Anest Iwata AS-80 Super Compact Automatic Spray Gun


AS-80 Super Compact Automatic Spray Gun

Manufacturer: Anest Iwata

Part #: 542X

Description: The AS-80 is a compact automatic spray gun with a rugged high-quality construction that is available in Stainless Steel or Aluminum. Measuring in at only 2.8 inches it is extremely easy to maintain. The AS-80 features fine atomization that can be set up with a standard fan pattern which produces high-quality flat finishes or it can be adjusted to a directional pattern that allows operation in small, tight, hard-to-reach areas. All of these traits make the AS-80 one of the most unique spray guns of its kind.

  • Super compact
  • Fine atomization
  • Narrow spray pattern
  • Low maintenance


    Nozzle Aircap PSI Fluid Output Air Consumption Fan Pattern
    1.0mm E2 13 55ml/min 1.76 CFM 100mm

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