Gravity Cups


Gravity Cups for Spray Guns

Manufacturer: C.A. Technologies

Part Number: 51-4xx

Description: The gravity cups from C.A. Technologies are for use with the C.A.T. line of gravity guns. They are offered in four versions: Aluminum 450 mL, Plastic 700 mL, Aluminum 700 mL, and Aluminum 1000 mL. All cups have a no-drip feature in the lid and are excellent for all gravity gun use. All cups have a 16mm 1.5 female connection.

The gravity cups for the TJR from C.A.Technologies is for use with the C.A.T. TJR gravity gun only. They are offered in 3 versions: Aluminum 150 mL, Plastic 125 mL, and Aluminum 450 mL.


Lid Gaskets

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