C.A. Technologies SLP HVLP Stainless Low Pressure Spray Gun


C.A. Technologies SLP HVLP Stainless Low Pressure Spray Gun

Manufacturer: C.A. Technologies

Part Number: CSLP-xx-xxxx

Description: The C.A.T. SLP is a fine finish spray gun designed for automotive and wood finishing. Features include stainless steel fluid passages and superfine atomization achieved with the patented 12-point atomization. The smoke-like atomization allows excellent blending and gloss. The CAT SLP requires only 29 psi inlet pressure to produce 10 psi at the nozzle. This gun complies with all environmental regulations for HVLP. The C.A.T. SLP specializes in breaking up NGR stains and other hard to break up materials.

Air Inlet - 1/4” NPS (m)
Fluid Inlet - 3/8 NPS (m)
Weight - 20 oz.
Requires 13.5 CFM @ 29 PSI

Standard Nozzle Setup: 1.3 x 1313 - Requires 13.5 CFM (other nozzles available)

Smart / CAT Pack Includes: CSLP, 3 needle/nozzle setups (0.8, 1.3, 1.7), 2 air caps, tools & case.

Nozzle Kits Available here

Air Caps Available here

Fluid Nozzle Available here

Needles Available here

Parts Sheet

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3M PPS 2.0 Cup System - Brochure

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