SATAjet 5000 B Phaser RP Nozzle Set


SATAjet® 5000 B PHASER RP Nozzle Set

Manufacturer: SATA
Part Number: 10068XX

Description: Combining a unique look with high-quality materials and sophisticated technical solutions unusual for a piece of spray equipment, the SATAjet 5000 B PHASER™ offers a whole new view on spray gun design. Exceptional optics, exceptional materials and an exceptional design concept – for exceptional projects. Technologically, the PHASER™ is identical to the SATAjet® 5000 B premium spray gun – utilizing the same nozzle concept, it also has all other proven technical features which already define the SATAjet® 5000 B series as an outstanding spray gun.

  • Combining a unique look with high-quality materials

  • Exceptional high transfer efficiency
  • Fast coverage and film build
  • SATAjet® 5000 B nozzle technology
  • Developed in cooperation with the Porsche Design Studio

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