Binks Trophy AA Twist Tips


Binks Trophy AA Twist Tips

Manufacturer: Carlisle Binks

Part #: 9-XXX-75

Description: Binks Trophy AA Twist Tips. Reduces downtime due to tip blockages. See chart for orifice and fan width availability:

For part number, replace "XXX" with number from chart below: 9-XXX-75

Twist Tip Orifice: 4" Fan 6" Fan 8" Fan 10" Fan 12" Fan 14" Fan
.007” (0.179mm) 307
.009” (0.229mm) 309 409 509
.011” (0.280mm) 211 311 411 511 611
.013” (0.330mm) 213 313 413 513 613 713
.015” (0.381mm) 215 315 415 515 615 715
.017” (0.432mm) 217 317 417 517 617 717
.019” (0.483mm) 319 419 519 619
.021” (0.533mm) 421 521 621
.023” (0.610mm) 523 623
.025” (0.636mm) 525 625
.027” (0.686mm) 627
.031” (0.790mm) 631
.035” (0.890mm) 435 635


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