Pure Regenerative Dryers - Tank Dryers


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Pure Regenerative Dryers - Tank Dryers

Manufacturer: Tsunami

Part Number:  21999-1105-T, 21999-1105-T-MM, 21999-0955, 21999-0955-220, 21999-0955-PP

The newest line to Tsunami Compressed Air Solutions, Pure Series Regenerative Dryers provides the same high-quality air as the Ultra Dryer line at a reduced cost. The Pure 5 and Pure 10 systems utilize a simple control system and Tsunami pre-filtration to assure removal of water, oil, and particulates before entering the dryer. The Pure 5 and Pure 10 both perform to achieve dew points down to -80°F and relative humidity down to .01% RH.

The Pure Series Tank-Mounted dryers come as a complete package with tank attachments to support air flow. The Pure-5T comes with a 1-gallon tank to maximize laminar airflow and the Pure-10T sits atop a 60-gallon storage tank to increase shop capacity

Pure-5TThe Pure-5 Series Regenerative Dryer is rated for 15 CFM airflow, and fitted for 5 Hp compressors. The Pure-5 system uses a Solenoid Timer Valve to control the dryer and Tsunami pre-filtration to assure removal of water, oil, and particulates before entering the dryer.

Pure-10TThe Pure-10 Series Regenerative Dryer is rated for 40 CFM airflow, and fitted for 10 Hp compressors. The Pure-10 system uses a Solenoid Timer Valve to control the dryer and Tsunami pre-filtration to assure removal of water, oil, and particulates before entering the dryer.

Key features

  • 2-stage Pre-filtration; Water Separator, Oil Coalescing Filter
  • Molecular Sieve Desiccant
  • Solenoid Valve Timer
  • Automatic Drains
  • Purge Exhaust Mufflers
  • Wall Mounting Brackets
  • Outlet Regulator
  • Heater pads available for cold temp applications

Key Benefits

  • Low relative humidity - down to .01% RH
  • Dew points down to -80°F
  • Easy. low-cost maintenance - under $100/ year average
Part Number 21999-1105-T 21999-1105-T-MM 21999-0955 21999-0905-220 21999-0905-PP
Horsepower 5 5 10 10 10
Max CFM: 17 17 40
40 40
Port Size (NPT):

1/4" Inlet

1/2" Outlet

 1/4" Inlet

1/2" Outlet


1/2 NPT

1/2 NPT

1/2 NPT
Drain: Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic Pneumatic
Max PSI: 175 PSI 175 PSI 175 PSI 175 PSI 175 PSI
Max Temp: 150 Degrees F 150 Degrees F 150 Degrees F 150 Degrees F 150 Degrees F

26" X 18" X 12"

26" X 18" X 12" 

26" X 18" X 12"

26" X 18" X 12"

26" X 18" X 12" 

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Tank-Mounted Dryers

Mobile/Portable Dryers

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Spare Parts -

Part Part Number
A 21999-0707 Piston Replacement Kit for Regenerative Dryers
B 21999-0976 Tsunami Tower Replacement Pure 1, 3, 5 
B 21999-0976-BK Tsunami Tower Replacement Pure 1, 3, 5 - Black
B 21999-0349 Tsunami Tower Replacement Pure 7, 10, 20, 30 & Ultra Dryers 
B 21999-0349-BK Tsunami Tower Replacement Pure 7, 10, 20, 30 & Ultra Dryers Black
C 21999-0672-10 PLC Controller -10 HP Regenerative Dryer
C 21999-0672 PLC Controller -15 HP+ Tsunami Regenerative Dryer
C 21999-0672-BK Custom Dryer PLC - No Drains
21999-0951 Pneumatic Timer Control - Two Outputs
21999-0714 PLC Power Supply for Tsunami Regenerative Dryer
21999-0941 Tsunami Timer Valve Assembly
21999-0797 Tsunami Air Valve Replacement
21999-0504 12v DC Timer / Coil Assembly
21999-1012-24 24v DC Timer / Coil Assembly
610928-01 110v AC Timer / Coil Assembly
610934-01 220v / 230v AC Timer / Coil Assembly
21999-0650 Tower Mounting Stud / Dryer Regen. Valve - Pure 7, 10, and Ultra Series Dryers
21999-1108 Tower Mounting Stud / Dryer Regen. Valve - Pure 1, 3, & 5 Series Dryers
940825 Muffler Replacement - Pure 1, 3, 5, 7, Only
21999-0700 Muffler Replacement - Pure 10 and Ultra Series
21999-1046 Muffler Core Replacement (10pc Minimum Order Quantity - Pure-10 & Ultra Dryers Only)
21999-1042 Tsunami Dryer Heater 110/120v AC, 700W
21999-0890 Tsunami Dryer Heater 12v DC, 120W
21999-0937 Tsunami Dryer Heater 24v DC, 120W
21999-0712 Energy Saver Kit (Ultra dryer accessory only)
21999-1038 Modular Dryer Subassembly Replacement - Ultra / Pure-10-20-30

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