Ransburg 9060 Model HV3 Classic High Voltage Controller


9060 Model HV3 Classic High Voltage Controller

Manufacturer: Carlisle Ransburg

Part #: Each part number corresponds to a controller for use with a specific handgun model:

  • 80130-211 for Vector R70AS Handgun
  • 80130-311 for Vector R90AS Handgun
  • 80130-411 for Vector AA90 Handgun
  • 80130-511 for Vector R90AS Waterborne Handgun

Description: The Ransburg 9060 High Voltage Controller (80130-XXX) is used to provide high voltage for electrostatic application equipment. It uses a combination of proven high voltage generation technology and microprocessor-based control. It uses a variable voltage output to drive a cascade that amplifies the voltage to a high kV level. It also uses current feedback information to maintain the desired set point. The processor circuitry provides the maximum in applicator transfer efficiency while maintaining the maximum safety.


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