SATAjet 3000 A; HVLP


SATAjet 3000 A; HVLP

Manufacturer: SATA

Part #: 94XXX, 124XXX

Description: SATA robotic and automatic guns include stainless steel needle and fluid tip. Special versions are available with stainless steel head for water borne materials. Specially treated nozzles sets for corrosive or abrasive products are also available. Other special versions include automatic guns with slit or twist nozzles, marking guns and laboratory test guns that include a nozzle test report. Quick attach mounting systems are available for some models. Also, nozzle extensions may be utilized on the SATAjet 1000 series to solve mass production hard-to-reach coating problems.

Technical Data: HVLP
Inlet Pressure: 58-61 psi
Air Consumption: 20 CFM


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