Wagner Suction Hose Assembly


Wagner Suction Hose Assembly

Manufacturer: Wagner

Part Number: 232411x (5 gal), HSE-0005-A (55 gal)

Description: The Suction Hose is for IceBreaker Spray Assemblies such as the Wildcat, Puma, Cobra, & Leopard Pumps.

2323396 - DN16 (5/8) Suction Filter

2323325 - DN25 (1") Suction Filter

Image shows 5 gal suction hose

Description  Part Number
Siphon Hose (DN16) (5/8”) 2324110
Siphon Hose (DN25) (1”)  2324116
Siphon Hose - 55 Gal. (3/4” x 10’) HSE-0005-A

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