Binks Millennium 3000 Premium Paint Spray Respirator


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Binks Millennium 3000 Premium Paint Spray Respirator

Discontinued. Replaced by the DeVilbiss DeMask Respirator

Manufacturer: Carlisle Binks

Part #: 40-1XX

Description:  Binks Millennium 3000 Premium Paint Spray Respirator, medium or large

The Millennium 3000 Premium Paint Spray Respirator is comfortable, strong, and durable.  It has adjustable, heavy-duty straps and a head band with sizes to fit most painters and technicians.  The Millennium 3000 features a charcoal filter respirator with a silicone face piece for better protection against air particles.


  • Superior protection against organic vapors, fumes, dust and mists
  • Heavy-duty silicone and metal face piece for increased durability and comfort
  • Maximum serviceability - fully serviceable with a Binks tune-up kit
  • Extended life - withstands repeated cleanings and exposure to paints and solvents without deterioration

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