C.A. Technologies Lynx Series 100H HVLP Air Cap


C.A. Technologies Lynx Series 100H HVLP Air Cap

Manufacturer: C.A. Technologies

Part Number: 21-1xxxx

Description: C.A. Technologies Lynx Series 100H HVLP Air Cap.

C.A. Technologies Air Cap for the following spray guns:

  • Lynx L100H
  • Panther P100H
  • Jaguar J100H

Improvement Line replaces Binks HVLP Air Nozzles: 90P, 91P, 92P, 93P, 94P, 95P, 95AP, and 97AP Binks HVLP Air caps. Fits C.A. Technologies L100H, J100H Gun, Binks Mach1 Gun, and Binks Mach1 Sl Gun.

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