iCON Series Air-Assisted Airless Systems

ANEST IWATA iCON Series Air-Assisted Airless Systems

Our new pump series the Anest Iwata iCon air-assisted pumps are suitable for medium to high-pressure applications.  The iCon pumps perfectly meet the spray painting requirements in the general industrial, wood, and metal painting industries, with single or plural component paints.  Our iCon series are extremely simple to assemble, disassemble, and maintain, with our excellent reliability really makes the difference!

What makes this series so Unique?

Our spring-loaded packing sets remove the need for daily maintenance, allowing the pump to last longer between maintenance cycles, and protects the cylinder from wear as the packings are set in place.  Our patented air motor valve technologies can work even through critical conditions to provide the best reliability during operations.

Anest Iwata is known for their high-quality products and this system hits every mark!

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