SurfPrep Abrasives




SurfPrep is designed for professionals by professionals. SurfPrep has a broad offering of abrasives including foam, film, screen, paper, nonwoven, belt and hand sanding abrasives. SurfPrep also manufactures tools and accessories including sanders, inspection lights, vacuums, backup pads, pad savers, air hoses, and much more.

SurfPrep's revolutionary foam abrasives typically eliminate 50% - 70% of hand sanding saving you valuable time. SurfPrep's electric sanders have hardened Japanese steel internals, run quiet, stay cool and last 2,000 - 3,000 hours. Save time and produce better results with SurfPrep's award-winning sanding system today

At Total Finishing Supplies, we have multiple forms of SurfPrep abrasives available and ready to be shipped directly to you!

For an informational guide about SurfPrep abrasives, continue scrolling. You’ll see that the guide classifies by description, grit, finish/scratch, and purpose so that you have the knowledge you need to make an informed decision about which abrasive is best for you. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time. We take pride in our exceptional customer service team and are always willing to accommodate your needs.

At Total Finishing Supplies, we have exactly what you need to complete your SurfPrep sanding system whether you need to remove, prepare, or finish a surface.

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