SurfPrep Film Sheets

SurfPrep’s film abrasives have a durable and thick plastic backing and are faster cutting and longer-lasting than conventional paper-backed abrasives. The abrasive is green/blue with a white sacrificial stearate coating to prevent clogging. This is a long-lasting abrasive and similar to the traditional paper-backed abrasives, the lower and medium grits are primarily used for sanding and smoothing raw wood in preparation for a stain or a painted finish and for existing finish removal. The middle and higher grits are for sanding veneers for stain or paint prep and for sanding between primer or clear coats on flat surfaces. 

Film sheets provide both flexibility and durability allowing you to conform better to surfaces and contours, preventing "over sanding" or "burn through." Waterproof, they can be used in wet sanding applications and are tear-resistant.

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SurfPrep Film Sheets Abrasives

SurfPrep 3" X 4" Film Sheets (Hook & Loop)

SurfPrep 3 2/3" X 7" Film Sheets (Hook & Loop)

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