Lynx L100H HVLP Air Spray Gun


Lynx L100H HVLP Air Spray Gun

Manufacturer: C.A. Technologies

Part Number: L100H-xx-xxxx

Description:  Lynx L100H HVLP Air Spray Gun

L100H-1090 Lynx L100H HVLP Air Spray Gun 1090 Air Cap, 6 CFM. C.A.Technologies Lynx 100H HVLP air spray gun is an industrial purpose Low CFM HVLP air spray gun. Replaces Binks Mach 1 & Mach 1SL Spray Guns. The L100H is unique in that it offers a wide range of nozzles that will function with small compressors (2 HP) to spray dyes, stains, topcoats, and primers. Other air nozzles are available for breaking up high solid materials. With Stainless-Steel fluid passages, lightweight and rugged construction, it makes the L100H a great gun for onsite or production applications. Large selection of Air Caps & Fluid Nozzles available. Call for other Air Caps. Higher CFM air caps will offer a better finish.

Air Inlet: 1/4 in. mnps

Fluid Inlet: 3/8 in. mnps

Cups, Pots, and Supply Hoses are sold separately.

Repair Kit P/N 10-106

Rear Bushing: 60-201

Fluid Control Knob: 60-202

Additional Needles here

Additional Nozzles here

Additional Air Caps here

3M PPS 2.0 Cup System - Brochure

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