Aaa 14:1 Pump Wall Mount W/ Gm4700 410 T


Manufacturer: CA Technologies
Description: Aaa 14:1 Pump Wall Mount W/ Gm4700 410 T

The Air Assist Airless Pump from C.A.T. is an all stainless 14:1 ratio pump for production fine finish spraying of wood or other fine finish applications. The air motor incorporates a unique magnetic "no stall" valve design. This simple direct acting valve is also resistant to icing, has a long life carbon fiber cylinder and integrated noise suppression design for quiet operation.The fluid section is all stainless featuring a non-contact pump tube that never wears out. Also featured is a cartridge style piston seal and guide for quick field replacement. Unit has a large capacity solvent cup and 360 degree fluid inlet/outlet orientation.


  • Pump Ratio 14:1
  • Max air Pressure 107 psi
  • Max fluid Pressure 1500 psi
  • Fluid Volume 1/3 GPM per cycle (supports one gun up to .024 orifice size)

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