Over-Run Controls

Over-Run Controls

Over-Run Controls

Over-run controls are essential for ensuring the safe and efficient operation of pumps, protecting equipment, and optimizing the production process in various industrial applications. 

Over-run controls that shut off air to a pump when the material container is empty or when the line is broken are important for several reasons:

  • Safety: By shutting off the pump when the material container is empty or the line is broken, over-run controls prevent the pump from running dry or pumping air, which could lead to damage to the pump or other components. Running a pump without the appropriate material to move can cause overheating and potentially create a hazardous situation.
  • Equipment protection: Pumps are designed to handle specific materials, and running them without these materials can cause wear and tear on the pump's internal components. By shutting off the pump, over-run controls help protect the pump from unnecessary damage, prolonging its lifespan and reducing maintenance costs.
  • Energy efficiency: When a pump is running with an empty material container or a broken line, it consumes energy without performing any useful work. By automatically shutting off the pump, over-run controls conserve energy and prevent unnecessary power consumption.
  • Preventing material wastage: When a pump continues to run without any material to move, it can lead to wastage of the material being pumped. Shutting off the pump prevents unnecessary material loss and helps to optimize resource usage.
  • Process control: Over-run controls play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the industrial process. By shutting off the pump in case of material depletion or a broken line, they help prevent interruptions in production and maintain process efficiency.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Avoiding damage to the pump and other equipment through over-run controls can save on repair and replacement costs. Additionally, reducing energy consumption can lead to cost savings on electricity bills.

Our experts are standing by to help you select the right product for your application.  With more than 30 years of industry experience Total Finishing SUPPLIES has the right expertise.  Please call or text us at 503-545-3176 with any questions.  We're on standby to help!

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