Sarmax Water Clarifier Eco-Cleaner 400


Water Clarifier For Water Base Liquid Eco-Cleaner 400

Manufacturer: Sarmax

Part #: Eco-Cleaner-400

Description: The water clarifier function is very simple: by means of the pneumatic pump and the extraction probe, the waste waters of the impregnating machine are cleaned and pumped into the upper tank where a chemical reagent is introduced which, prompted by the electro-mechanical agitator, separates the solid part from the liquid part.

During the reaction, the part of impregnating agent dissolved in the water becomes
denser and forms a residual compound similar to an algae.

By opening the valve underneath the tank, the exiting liquid is filtered. The dirty part (the algae) remains in the filter and the clear water, which has fallen into the tank below, is ready to be reused for following washing operations. The fixed residue, which stays in the filter, is a small percentage compared to the volume of water treated; at the end of the year, or in any case when one or more barrels of this residue are produced, it must be disposed of through specialised channels.

Parts and Accessories:


Machinery made entirely to CSA standard
Approx. overall dimensions 7.2’ x 2.5' x 8.2’
Weight 620 pounds
Upper tank capacity 90 gallons
Automatic filling pump pneumatic
Pump capacity 136 rpm/min
Lower tank capacity 90 gallons
Electromechanical agitator Triphase, 0.75 Hp
Agitator rotation 1 speed
High-pressure water gun 100 bar
Water gun motor Triphase, 3 Hp
2 bags of chemical powder 88 pounds
All aspiration filters in stainless steel
All aspiration filters with non-return valve

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