Anest Iwata WS-400 Series 2 Clear Coat Gravity Feed Spray Gun


WS-400 Series 2 Clear Coat Gravity Feed Spray Gun

Manufacturer: Anest Iwata

Part #: 271X

Description: Clear Line Technology allows for a wider range of clearcoat applications. HD stands for High Delivery, with four different nozzle sizes available: 1.2 HD, 1.3 HD, 1.4 HD and 1.5 HD. The HD spray nozzle, combined with the conical air caps, produces a flat and even spray pattern to reduce overload and boil due to no center wetness. With nice, even overlaps comes a nice, even overall laydown. The HD nozzles also offer the painter another basecoat option when a wetter application is required in certain temperatures and conditions. Some products require a higher flow rate, and the HD range achieves this in a controlled and balanced manner.


  • Split Nozzle™2.0 Compliant Clear - The most advanced pre-atomisation technology, ‘Split NozzleTM 2.0’, was developed exclusively for the Series 2 spray guns to offer unrivalled performance with all new and traditional types of auto refinish paint, as well as all application types and climates.
  • DPG-1 - Digital Manometer System (optional) - Fully integrated, it maintains the balance, feel and design of the original WS/LS spray gun. What’s more, thanks to the ‘Click-Mag’ locking system, it can easily be detached when cleaning the spray gun.
  • PVD Surface Treatment - The Series 2 digital version features a brand-new special surface treatment based on PVD technology. This strengthens the spray gun body whilst also improving its look.

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