Aftermarket Graco® Superfine Finish™ Flat Tip (non-OEM)


Aftermarket Graco® Superfine Finish™ Tip (non-OEM)

Manufacturer: Total Finishing Supplies

Part Number: 4896xx through 4914xx

Comparable to OEM Part Number: 1632xx through 1638xx

Description: Aftermarket Graco® Superfine Finish™ Flat Tip (non-OEM)

Comparable to Graco® 1632xx - 1638xx

 Aftermarket Graco® Fine Finish Tips (Non-OEM)

These Aftermarket Graco® non-oem fine finish airless paint sprayer tips will apply a quality spray coating in several different patterns and orifice combinations. These fine finish tips incorporates a primary orifice with a removable pre-orifice which atomizes the spray coating twice for an ultra-fine finish result. Typically found in the woodworking and metal industries, these paint spray tips enable the user to greatly lower fluid pressures allowing for reduced energy consumption and increased painting profitability. There are over 100 different spray angle and orifice size combinations to get the exact spray tip needed in order to solve all your fluid dynamics requirements.

Essential to maintaining your airless paint sprayer tips and eliminating downtime, the use of paint filters are recommended multiple times before the spray coating reaches the spray gun. Also, paint filters will help in prolonging the life of your high-pressure hose and airless paint sprayer. 


Graco®, PerfomAA™, Merkur™  and Reverse-A-Clean® (RAC) Tip are registered trademarks of Graco®, and the same companies may claim unregistered trademark rights in other words. The advertised parts are intended to fit Graco®, PerfomAA™, Merkur™ and Reverse-A-Clean® (RAC) Tip spray equipment. They are not, however, manufactured, endorsed, or sponsored by Graco® or any of their affiliates, and no warranty by Graco®, or any of their affiliates applies. Total Finishing Solutions, LLC is not affiliated with or sponsored or endorsed by Graco® and is not one of their authorized distributors. 

Tip Size Degree Orifice Size Fan Pattern
208 20 0.008 4-6 inches
308 30 0.008 6-8 inches
310 30 0.010 6-8 inches
408 40 0.008 8-10 inches
410 40 0.010 8-10 inches
412 40 0.012 8-10 inches
510 50 0.010 10-12 inches
512 50 0.012 10-12 inches
514 50 0.014 10-12 inches
614 60 0.014 12-14 inches
820 80 0.020 16-18 inches




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