5000 Series Premium Intake (5KR1)

5000 Series Premium Intake (5KR1)

Use the 5000 Series Premium Intake filters in downdraft applications which require a lower initial static pressure. Use in cross-draft applications to provide the ultimate protection.  These self-sealing filters are tackified polyester with a reemay backing.  5000 Series Premium Intake filters are 97.3% efficient at the 5-10 micron range @ 100 fpm and 99.95% efficient at the > 10 micron range. 

Our experts are standing by to help you select the right product for your application.  With more than 30 years of industry experience Total Finishing SUPPLIES has the right expertise.  Please call or text us at 503-545-3176 with any questions.  We're on standby to help!

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