H/O Mini Pressure Cup (3M™ PPS 1.0)


H/O Mini Pressure Cup

Manufacturer: CA Technologies
Description: H/O Mini Pressure Cup 200ml, 3M™ PPS 1.0

H/O 2.0 Pressurized Cups

You will also need the By-Pass Regulator

H/O Cup and Regulator Option (both required)

The H/O Cup and Regulator allow for the cup to be pressurized (up to 10psi) vs relaying on gravity alone, providing a cup gun solution for spraying higher viscosity coatings without thinning. This improves the quality of any finish with less waste. HIGHLY recommended for 2k coatings. 

Below is a customer's video spraying 2k using the TFS-X™ with 2.0 H/O Cup and Regulator

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